Pet Home Visits

We realise some pets are more comfortable being seen by the vet at home, and so we’re proud to offer a home visit service for care in their usual environment.

Home Visits

Our home visit service brings veterinary care right into your home and on your schedule, giving your pets the added security and comfort of being seen in the space they’re most used to. However, when pets are unwell, we normally recommend seeing them at the clinic as we have access to a wide variety of diagnostic tools and emergency equipment on-site.

We understand that when the time comes to say goodbye to your pet and arrange for euthanasia, some owners would prefer this to be performed at their home. We endeavour to try to facilitate this and can tailor sedative protocols to suit your pet.

If you would like to arrange a home visit, please give us as much notice as possible and contact us on our usual telephone number

A ginger cat with a purple heart tag being petted by a person reading a book